About us

Ver-Ker Ltd. was established in 1991 for import and wholesale of apparel fabrics.

As a result of continuous development the company has become one of the leaders in the Hungarian textile trade. Due to its well balanced business strategy Ver-Ker has large clientele of both garment manufacturers and textile traders. Besides serving the Hungarian market, we export to many European countries, as well.

In our warehouses you can always find seasonally trending fabrics as well as a wide selection of approximately 500 types of standard items.

The main premise is located at Zay street 7, in Buda. The 2400 m² warehouse offers the customers about 1,5 million metres of textiles, fast service and also safe parking.

On the Pest side of the city, we run another 500 m² wholesale unit, at Hernád Street 54. Our retail shop is also at your service at Pannónia Street 30.

Ver-Ker Ltd.
Main premises, wholesale warehouse
1037 Budapest, Zay út 7.

